Upcoming Course
Robotics 101 (age 8-10) – Feb 22/2020
Previous Courses
Robotics Bootcamp (age 9-13) – Dec 21/2019
Another great day of programming. We were very excited to host a group of passionate young and emerging leaders.The Robotics Bootcamp was held on December 21, 2019 at Salesforce.com offices in Vancouver.Students experienced what it needs to program a self driving robot. In this bootcamp, student learned about different types of sensors and simulated programming of self driving cars. They practiced how to make their robots avoid obstacles or adjust speed and auto stop if obstacles arise. All that was done in a fun engaging environment.
Sponsors: Amazon, Kilani Holdings
Robotics Bootcamp (age 9-13) – Nov 16/2019
Codify Academy held its first Robotics Bootcamp full day event for children age 9-13 at the Amazon Vancouver offices. The goal of the camp was to introduce children to the basics of robotics programming using the Makebloc mBot Robot Kit and Scratch programming language … read more
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